Friday, December 21, 2012

Field and fountain, Maeve and mountain...

MAEVE: I lost one of my ponies. What time was it when I found it, dad? When it was 4:58, I found my pony. Just so you know, it’s not a real pony, it’s a toy. Can I spell “TOY”? Like on the computer?

DADDY: Sure.

M: [She types this] toy

D: Good job.

M: Well I’m cleaning up the play room right now and it’s a retiring job.

D: A what?

M: A retiring job.

D: Oh. Okay, keep going.

M: Daddy, write the words to this song. [She sings. Beautifully.]

star of wonder,
star of night.
star of wonder,
beauty bright.

star of wonder,
star of night.
star of wonder,
beeeeeauuuuuuty briiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Also, this is the song I sang at my Christmas Concert:

angels we have heeeeeeeard on high!
sweetly swinging over the plains.
and the mountains in reply,
echoing their joyous stains.

D: That was so pret-


Daddy, Tom and Jerry is on so I’m done with the blog now.

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